One international expertise for a tailor-made national service

In addition to the European type-approval for vehicles produced in unlimited or small series and the individual European approval, the SNCH provides national individual approval upon request from converters, manufacturers, or individuals for a specific vehicle (new, modified, or imported).

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The National Individual Approval

The National Individual Approval issued by the SNCH is crucial for manufacturers or owners of vehicles non-compliant with standard European norms but which, according to current regulations, including the Highway Code, are eligible for registration in Luxembourg. It represents a customized solution for unique vehicles, offering a path to compliance without compromising their distinctive character.

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Our assessment and certification methodology

The SNCH's methodology for National Individual Approval is based on a comprehensive technical evaluation performed by one of the technical services authorized for this purpose (list available under Technical Services). After ensuring the vehicle's compliance with current regulations and analyzing the technical service report and addressing any potential remarks, the SNCH issues the homologation certificate, which can be presented to the National Society for Automotive Traffic (SNCA) for the vehicle's registration.

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Trusted partners

The technical services are approved by the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works on the recommendation of the SNCH after undergoing the evaluation process. The SNCH is accustomed to working closely with its approved technical services, with which it has been processing European type-approval requests for many years.

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Our commitment to safety and compliance

Regulation compliance, road user safety, and environmental respect are our imperatives.

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Evolving expertise

Thanks to our ongoing training system, our experts are constantly up to date with the latest European, international, and national regulations, ensuring compliance in an ever-evolving market.This dynamic expertise guarantees proactive regulatory monitoring and personalized support, which together, form the foundation of a superior quality service.

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